
The Cérge Concierge is a great project that seeks to help individuals with disabilities finally get the level of service they deserve, by allowing them to share information with businesses to break the communication barrier with  service providers.

The concept behind Cérge was amazing but the UX/UI designs needed to be improved: the app was not very engaging and was quite hard to use, and there was no consistent brand identity across platforms.

Creating a user friendly app and a consistent brand identity across web, apps and print assets

In order to reach that goal we decided to redesign the app and the website to make them as accessible as possible and convey an image both polished and user friendly.

The App

Part of the challenge was making sure the App would still be easy to use for people with different ranges of abilities, so accessibility had to be at the forefront of any design decision. The result is a design featuring big buttons, a trimmed down content that is broken down as much as possible in order not to overwhelm users.
We  also wanted to keep the perky Cérge avatar, while going back to a stronger relationship with the Brand identity. To keep with the traits of the Avatar and the stamp the elements are rounded, and the brand colors help make the App stand out.
hello world!

The Website

The Website redesign included a brand new header, as well as a new hero and testimonials sections. It also featured a total redesign of the listings and single listing pages.
Here as well, accessibility is key so contrast is really high and buttons are easy to find and access. The Cérge avatar is also used to break up the 2D of the webpage in the spirit of Japanese Manga.

A new design sprint will feature a new page about business and a revisited navigation.

The Tablet App

After some field research we realized some businesses didn't have the use of a computer at all times and would need another solution to be able to use Cérge easily. We decided a tablet App would be necessary.
The main challenge here was moving away from the Web Portal design and adapting it to a totally different experience on tablets.
To achieve that we kept the rounded designs but we also decided to introduce curves to create an experience that is unique to the tablet App, while being consistent with the brand identity.


Collaterals included customer and business flyers, posters, banners and presentations. They were a great design challenge as print design is always so different from digital.
A very important part of design is identifying what the message of a specific asset is and convey it to someone glancing at it, which is why bold text was chosen in order to capture attention.

Ready to create your own immersive digital experience?

Fill out the form or email me directly at deb@webvdev.com with ideas, questions or requests.
 WebVdev 2021